Wood Dashboard Control Knobs with Script Plate and Iron Cross Sticker

Material Wood
Size 1/4" I.D. x 1-3/4" O.D. x 1-5/8" (H)
Features Stainless steel script plate & iron cross color sticker on top

Screw on side

Unit & Package Sold by each, carded for display
Patent No. Pending

Dimmer Fan Panel Light Wiper/Washer Sticker Color
95430 95420 95410 95400 Black
95431 95421 95411 95401 Blue
95432 95422 95412 95402 Gold
95433 95423 95413 95403 Green
95434 95424 95414 95404 Purple
95435 95425 95415 95405 Red
95436 95426 95416 95406 Silver
Part No. & Image Selection
Combination of product variants is not available